Here are the steps on how to save a file to sql database using LINQ.
- Define your table. In this sample we created an Attachments table having 3 fields FileID (int), FileName (nvarchar(100)) and FileContent (varbinary(MAX)). FileContent field will contain the bytes of our file. We set it to MAX to accommodate any file size.
- Add your table to your repository module. In this case I used a simple LINQ to SQL just to make it simple
I created a simple repository class to expose some methods like add, save and get.
public class AttachmentRepository
private DataClassesDataContext db = new DataClassesDataContext();
public AttachmentRepository()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public void Add(Attachment at)
public void Save()
public List<Attachment> GetAllAttachments()
return db.Attachments.ToList();
- Layout your UI. Here we have two controls asp FileUploader and asp Button.
- Add a button click event on your upload button. In the code below, we only add a file to the database if there is a file uploaded using .HasFile property. Since we already have a repository using LINQ to SQL we can directly assign the Filename and FileBytes to our attachment class.
protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (FileUploadSample.HasFile)
AttachmentRepository atRepo = new AttachmentRepository();
Attachment at = new Attachment();
at.FileName = FileUploadSample.FileName;
at.FileContent = FileUploadSample.FileBytes;
- Verify your Database if the file was indeed saved.
Finally I added a gridview to show the uploaded data
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